About this Site
This site hosts some applications for Windows or DOS, most of them are freeware or even Public Domain now.
Usually source code and make files are included, the implementation languages are assembly, C and C++.
The HX DOS extender is pretty well known in the DOS world.
It has some features quite unique among these kind of products, allowing to run Win32 console
and (some) GUI applications on DOS systems.
JWasm is a Masm v6 compatible assembler.
It's released under the Sybase Open Watcom Public License 1.0.
JWasm can be used for virtually any purpose, unlike Microsoft's free download of current Masm versions,
which are for non-commercial use only.
WinInc is a full set of of Win32 - and since v2.0 also Win64 - assembly
include files (Masm-style), import libraries and samples. It is Public Domain.
It's purpose is to be an alternative for Masm32,
which has some funny license restrictions.
h2incX translates C header files to ASM include files (Masm-style). It's way more
powerful than similiar tools available. The WinInc include files were generated with this tool.
COMView is a Win32 GUI tool to view, run and test COM (ActiveX, OCX) binaries.
It will give an overview of what COM objects are installed on the current computer.
One might create instances of these objects, view their type library, edit their properties
and run their methods. This is useful for both examining foreign modules as well as testing
self-written ones.
ProcWin is another Win32 GUI tool which displays information about currently running processes.
With it one might examine all modules used by a process, its memory usage and its threads.
The reason for ExplorerASM coming into existence was more or less to
have a simple platform available for running and testing Win32 shell extensions.
It's a working clone of the Windows Explorer, however, and since it is supplied with
source code, it can be used to write an explorer which has all the features you're missing
in the versions supplied with the OS.
Joe is a POP3 mail reader, a Win32 GUI application.
It was written at times when fast internet connections were not available for (almost)
everyone and it was therefore advantageous to first check the mails on the host, and
being able to delete the ones identified as spam right there before downloading them.
httpdASM is a web server (written in ASM), with a fully functional
ISAPI interface. In combination with Jasp it supports
active contents, since this ISAPI module will provide support for Active Server Pages (ASP).
Jemm is an Expanded Memory Manager (EMM) for DOS, requiring
far less resources than any other EMM. It's based on the FreeDOS Emm386, which in turn is based
on a project published by "c't magazin fuer computer technik" (a German computer periodical) in 1990.
Some debuggers are also available. debxxf is a set of debuggers
intended to debug DPMI applications. It is slightly related
to the HX DOS extender, but should also be able to run other DOS extended applications.
debug and debugx are - extended - clones of the good old MS-DOS DEBUG command.
Finally, CDBA and NTSDA are Windows debuggers ( both 32- and 64-bit ) based on the MS debug engine.
Further tools are
HDEdit (hard disk editor),
SERegEdt (shell context menu extension to edit the registry),
PE (COFF file dumper),
VWin32 (displays memory usage on Win9x),
S (text mode file viewer and hex editor) and
TstSockW (a graphical socket test program in explorer look).
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